Richard Manning

Bad Company Desolation Angel 1979

Bad Company Desolation Angel  1979

These are 'C' Type colour prints that cost a lot less than Dye Transfers. The base print of the car and garage forecourt had the white areas cut out with a razor blade and the back of the print stripped away. The edges at the point of the white areas were sanded very thin, so that when the print was mounted with Columbia Cement, no shadow was cast by the edge. Similarly the back of the print of the girl was stripped and the edge of her hat, face and shoulder was sanded. The girl was taped in position and the base print was cut through with a razor blade following the right side shape of the girl. The unwanted base print was taken up and discarded. The print of the girl now had Columbia Cement applied to the back of it and the base board and then firmly pressed together. Any excess Cement removed and with a razor blade the white areas of the print of the girl were cut out.

All works © Richard Manning 2000 - 2025