Richard Manning

Moodswings Psychedelicatessen

Moodswings Psychedelicatessen

 A number of short haired males and a couple of women were dragged off the street near the photo studio, asked to sign a disclaimer, given a £10.00 note and then photographed full face, both sides and 3/4. I was supplied with all the images on file, each one I silhouetted with a one pixel feather cutout. From a tracing supplied which I scanned, I painstakingly brought in the different images, reducing or increasing their size accordingly, to create the head. Storm and I are among the images somewhere. The lips are children. The iris of the eye is 8 images of the same person. A  half of the head was established and then flipped. Then the background was airbrushed. 1998

All works © Richard Manning 2000 - 2025