Richard Manning

Wings Wings Over America 1976

Wings Wings Over America   1976

This was a black and white airbrush illustration, a copy photo print made and airbrushed in colour. Double weight, glossy unglazed photographic paper mounted onto double weight mount board was used for the illustration. Photographic paper is used for photo realistic illustrations. An accurate tracing was drawn and approved and laid in position on the photo paper. I laid Transpaseal over the total image and masked the different segments. The Transpaseal was removed from whichever part I was to work on, and carefully replaced and the next piece removed until all the white photo paper was covered. A Sable brush was used with a mixture of Photo dye and watercolour paint to put in detail and reflections. Just over two thousand rivets were drawn in perspective (Storm paid for me to have acupuncture to alleviate an aching neck and shoulder after all that). Once finished a copy Photographic print was made and again mounted onto double weight board. I bleached the door opening to make it feel as though bright light was shining through, and then masked off the areas to spray in the colour with Photo dye. Paul expressed a wish for it not to be signed. I ignored that wish and signed it.

All works © Richard Manning 2000 - 2025